Send Me On My Way

Two. The number of days until I leave. Things are moving at a fast clip now. My mom sold our extra car just a few hours ago. I’m glad I didn’t name it and get too attached. This morning I also finished all the quilting I wanted to do with my machine before I left. The only thing left on my to-do list is packing.

Yesterday was my Farewell Ceremony and Party. It was great to see everyone one last time (not that I’ll never see them again!) and remember the great support I have here at home if I ever get discouraged. They’re all only a call, text, or IM away.

Good news: A week or two ago I sent in a few job applications, and recently one of them–incidentally, the one I was most interested in–emailed me back and asked me to come in for an interview! We set the time and date to be the morning after I move in. The job title is “Technical/Help Desk Support” and I’ll basically be fixing computers. For the interview, he told me there will be a 15-minute technical aptitude test. I’m going to be crazy busy the next few days… but it’ll be great, I know it.

This is likely the last blog before I leave. Next time, it’ll be all about UBC Vancouver! I’ll miss home, I know, but I’m ready for a new adventure. Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.

Photo: A bench overlooking the Wallace Falls river. It was a great hike, and I’ll miss hiking with my parents. It might be too cold the next time I come down to see them, so maybe next year…

Dreaming of Canada

This past week I’ve been continuing preparations for college, gathering things I’ll need and finishing up paperwork. Today I bought a printer, since the school charges for printing and who knows when their printers will be broken down or not available. This one was fairly inexpensive, and small enough that I’m sure I can find a good spot for it on my desk in my dorm room. Going over my list of things to buy, I’m amazed at all the things I have to think of, from dish soap to rechargeable batteries to a hot water maker. Can’t go without my tea!

I have two more weeks to buy things and pack. Right now, I think it’s plenty of time, almost too much. I’m so ready to go–emotionally, if not physically. I went to an informal get-together with UBC alumni and other students who are going up there, all from around where I live. It was fun and informative, and great to meet other kids and parents who are going through similar situations, dealing with all the red tape and other complexities that come with going to school in Canada. It was like an appetizer to my orientations. I can’t wait.

Photo: Chicken Pho that I ate for lunch when I did some tourist things in the city. I’ve gotta know more about my own backyard before I go exploring elsewhere! This dish made me think of all the great asian food I know they have in Vancouver. I’ve gone up there a couple times, and already have a favorite Japanese restaurant. Make sure to check out Kitsilano Sushi if you ever visit.

Past, Present, and Future

It has been quite a while. My life has certainly changed since I posted something… wow, nearly a year ago? In just about three weeks, I’ll be leaving for UBC Vancouver. I’m super excited. This blog may be a good way to keep people updated about what I’m up to in the coming months, and be an outlet for my writing when I’m not up to working on my novel. That in itself is overwhelming, and a slow process. But like I’ve said before, I’m not giving up on it.

I am in an odd space of being very ready to leave home, yet terribly sad I have to leave all my friends. Leaving and saying goodbye to people I’ve come to know and love seems to be a theme in my life. I’ve never stayed at one school for more than two years, and I’ve moved quite a few times. This time is different, though: I’m going to a whole other country. Sure, it’s only a few hours away, but it’s farther than I’ve ever moved, and my parents aren’t coming with me this time. I will be even more of a “stranger in a strange land.” It’s my own adventure. Bring it on.

Expect more from me in the coming weeks!

Photo: A gorgeous lily in my front yard. It smells amazing. There are three of these plants and they’re just starting to bloom, so in no time our whole little garden will smell heavenly.