Looking Forward

The first three weeks of the term have passed. The first assignments have been handed out, and I’ve made fairly substantial progress on my yearlong project. I’m back into the swing of things. Still, when I stop thinking of all the work I have to do, I find myself wondering what the future holds for me. The idea of graduating is scary, but things are looking bright.

I mentioned a couple posts ago about applying to Microsoft. About a week after I made that post, I got an email from them inviting me for a phone (Skype) interview the following week! I had the interview two days ago. I think it went well, I answered most of the questions as completely as I could, only stumbling with a couple of them. I’ll hear back in the next 2-3 weeks, and then hopefully be offered a second, more technical interview–in person! I don’t know if this means they’ll fly me all the way to Redmond or just somewhere in Europe. It sounds intense, though… something like 2-3 solid hours of coding, plus maybe meeting people who I might end up working with.

All of this is cementing the idea in my head that I will have a well-paying job shortly after I graduate. I’ll get to worry about all those adult things like renting an apartment, buying a car, paying taxes, and paying off my student loans… I’m actually very ready for it. Some of my classmates aren’t ready to graduate and go out into the big world, but I definitely am. Alas, four more months of university and hard work. It’ll probably go by faster than I think.

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